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  • "P*rn broke our brain" Here's how to fix it.

"P*rn broke our brain" Here's how to fix it.

How porn destroyed your chance to win in life and how to fix this.

By the end of this Newsletter you’ll know:
- How porn destroys your brain
- How to desexualize your brain
- why porn harms you
- benefits of stopping
- how to stop watching porn 6 steps

In the last episode, we already talked about why self-improvement is dangerous
To read the last episode:

Every single day you are frying your brain, killing your attention span and killing your focus, and because of all of that, you are killing your success.

The good news is that with the tiniest bit of discipline and work ethic, you are already ahead of 90% of people.

Today I’m going to give you the only five steps you need to desexualize your brain and regain control of your life.

Step 1
Stop watching porn

The first step is to stop watching porn, which is by far the worst way which you sexualize your brain.

Porn usage has been linked to the erosion of the prefrontal cortex, increased anxiety and depression, trouble in long-term relationships, and of course, impotency.

Young men are experiencing sexual issues like erectile dysfunction because their brain has been rewired.

Step 2
find a purpose

The second step in desexualizing your brain goes hand inand with quitting porn and that is to stop pleasuring yourself.

Because you are tricking your own brain into giving you dopamine you have not earned, your ability to focus and do hard things plummets.

Because the dopamine and other chemical releases that you get from doing the very thing we have been evolutionarily designed to do won't stack up to the real world, and this is why so many young men keep doing it Because they are addicted to cheap dopamine in the exact same way that people get addicted to drugs.

A study showed that an addiction to por and masturbation isn't actually rooted in anything sexual at all, and that the cause is meaninglessness.

If you don't have a purpose, you are more likely to devolve in these addictions.

Step 3
Cut off the Instagram baddies

you need to stop watching soft porn. Unfollow all the Instagram models and stop watching Tik Tok girls to do their little dances because they are eating away at your focus.

The best case scenario is you quit Tik Tok and Instagram together, but if that is not an option, you need to learn delayed gratification and focus inward instead of constantly looking outwards.

Step 4
Stop chasing

You need to stop chasing women and build yourself first, because if you are constantly chasing women, you will never be able to truly Focus inward.

When you do eventually build yourself into a man of substance, the women will inevitably come to you.

Step 5
learn delayed gratification

the next step requires you to learn delayed gratification instead of constantly looking outwards.

For stimulus and dopamine, you need to learn to look inward.

Now you might be asking, what does that actually mean?

It means that 99% of people get their so-called Happiness by doing fun things.

Whether those things be a Sinister as porn or as innocent as chocolate.

But if you truly want to be successful, that cannot be you.


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