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  • 12 Hidden Laws of the Universe (+Our Thank You Surprise!🎁)

12 Hidden Laws of the Universe (+Our Thank You Surprise!🎁)

Our Thank You Surprise!🎁

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By the end of this Newsletter you’ll know:
- Why Everything has 2 genders. Feminity and Masculinity
- Why Everything moves 24/7 and the definition of “energy”
- How the term “Raise your Vibe“ is more literal than we actually think

In the last episode, we already talked about how
To read the last episode:



If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration

Nikola Tesla

Welcome to the journey of uncovering the cosmic cheat code that governs our lives, a script that influences every decision, success, failure, and heartbreak.

Imagine having access to 12 unseen laws that act as a cheat code for The Source script, shaping your reality in ways you never thought possible.

In this article, we'll take a stroll to unravel these 12 Cosmic Laws that have the power to reshape your existence.

Law 1/2
The Laws of Cause and Effect & Correspondence


The Cabalian states, "Every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause."

In simpler terms, every action, no matter how small, has a ripple effect that shapes your life.

Consider the unseen impact of gossiping at work – a seemingly insignificant cause leading to effects like distrust and exclusion.
The lesson here is to focus on long-term causes for the desired future effects.


"As Above, So Below; as Below, So Above."

This law highlights the interconnectedness of nature and our lives.
Mimicking nature's patterns can guide us toward success.

Instead of just modeling others, reflect on your own patterns during your peak moments.

Aligning your inner world with success patterns can transform your outer world.

Law 3/4
The Laws of Attraction & Inspired Action


While popular, the Law of Attraction is not just about positive thoughts. It's about understanding that thoughts are only the surface layer.
Emotions, the underlying layer, play a crucial role.
Shifting your state, fueling positive emotions, and aligning your inner and outer worlds are vital for real transformation.

Inspired Action

Dreams don't work unless you do.
The Law of Inspired Action emphasizes the importance of intentional action.

It's not just about manifesting; it's about putting in the work. One hour of meaningful action surpasses hours of planning. What action can you take today to move closer to your goals?

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Law 5/6
Laws of Polarity & Gender


Everything has poles, and opposites are identical in nature but differ in degree. Understanding that love and hate, success and failure, are on a spectrum helps navigate life's complexities. Balancing masculine and feminine energies within yourself leads to authenticity and personal growth.


Gender is present in everything, with masculine and feminine principles within all. It's not about biological distinctions but the energy within. Balancing your own masculine and feminine energies creates authenticity.Strive for harmony and embrace both aspects for personal growth.

Law 7/8
The Laws of Vibration & Rhythm


"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." Your thoughts and emotions have energetic vibrations. Raising your vibration involves embracing higher emotional states and minimizing lower ones.


As you elevate your vibe, you may outgrow people and situations not aligned with your new frequency.Life has a natural rhythm, a pendulum swing between ups and downs. Embracing life's flow, with its inevitable highs and lows, prevents stagnation. Recognizing the rhythm in your relationships, career, and energy levels allows for greater adaptability.

Law 9/10
The Law of Compensation & Mentalism


Reaping what you sow, the Law of Compensation reminds us that effort equals reward. Avoid the mindset of doing the minimum. Consistent effort, even when unnoticed, eventually pays off. Your hard work may not have immediate results, but over time, it does not go unnoticed.


"All is mind; the universe is mental." Controlling your thoughts and cultivating awareness can influence your emotional and physical state. Acknowledging that anger and impatience are not signs of strength but of weakness leads to a more balanced and stoic approach.

Law 11/12
The Laws of One & Relativity


Everything is interconnected – from the smallest particle to the vast universe. Understanding your place in this interconnected web of existence brings a sense of unity and purpose. Embrace the holistic view that we are all part of the same cosmic dance.


Nothing is inherently good or bad; it's our perception that assigns meaning. Your response to situations, rather than the situations themselves, determines their impact. Shifting from a victim mentality to recognizing the power of interpretation can profoundly change your life.


As we conclude our exploration of these 12 Cosmic Laws, remember that understanding and applying them is a journey, not an instant fix.

Which law resonated with you the most? Share your thoughts in the comments. If you're ready to unlock your full potential and embark on a transformative journey, consider exploring our metamorphic program linked below. Thank you for joining the cosmic exploration – may these laws guide you to new heights!

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